
Thursday, 16 May 2019

kiwi sport

Today the senior school had its first kiwi sport session for this term.

Ben, from Auckland badminton taught us some badminton skills.
We used a badminton racket and a shuttle.

We learnt how to hit the shuttle using a forearm hit and backhand hit.
Ben also taught us how to hold the racket using different grips

Image result for badminton

Friday, 10 May 2019




club activate

I am feeling excited about taking part in cultural activates at school this term.

today I picked two cultural groups that I want to be in.
Image result for fijian patternsMy first choice was kiwi can jam and I picked Fijian as my second choice.    

Friday, 3 May 2019

be cybersmart

Any information shared online can be copied sheared and broadcaster To me being cyber smart is not sharing private information online.

ANZAC Acrosstic poem

As the soldiers fought, gunfire and explosions surrounded them.

New soldiers training to fight in the dangerous, thunderous war,

Zealous soldiers fighting to save their country.

Angry, sad, scared families not knowing what was happening.

Crawling on hands and knees, soldiers moving through the thick, deep, muddy trenches.


W.A.L.T: we are learning to solve subtraction problems


So you can’t subtract 6 from 8 because 6 is smaller than 8 so 6 asked 60 if he can borrow 10 and so 60 gave 6 ten and 60 became 50 and 6 became 16 and 16-8=8 and 50 is smaller than 90 so 50  asked  900 if he can borrow one hundred so 900 gave 50 one hundred and 900 became 800 and 50 became 150 and 150-90=60 and 800-600=200 and 8000-6000=2000 and 2000+200+60+8=2268